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Senin, Oktober 12, 2009

Know Your Circulatory System, Coronary Heart Disease And Arteriosklorosis

Blood circulation system is one of the most important systems in the human body. Its function is to carry oxygen, energy, and nutrients throughout the body. At the same time, the disposal of metabolism carried out through the circulatory system.

Blood circulation system consists of the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins.
The heart is the center of power for the circulation of blood. The heart beats with continuously to pump blood to flow throughout the body.

Arteries are blood vessels that function to transport blood from the heart throughout the body.

Veins are blood vessels serves to bring the blood back into place which had gathered in the heart.

Capillaries are delicate blood vessels that connect arteries and micro-micro-veins. Capillaries are found in all parts of the body and is the turnover of nutrients and oxygen.

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